Install The Evolvepreneur® Network: Connect, Refer, and Grow

Enhance your business through strategic referrals and a trusted ready network of 1,200 and growing daily...

In the Beginning, Referrals Were Good

Then came the dark days of hard selling, spam, and overwhelming social media messages. Humanity in business dissolved. We’re here to reignite the human connection by removing sales from the marketing process and building authentic, credible relationships.

Our Solution:

At its heart, the Evolvepreneur® Network is a comprehensive software overlay that integrates seamlessly with your business processes. Our innovative process and software help you connect with 150 core, trusted people. No more networking events—just a streamlined approach to building genuine connections.

Spend just 10 minutes a day, three days a week, reaching out on LinkedIn with pre-built, tracked, and measured messages.

Boost Your Business Network with This Free Chrome/Edge Extension (valued at $10pm)
Install it today and receive valuable referrals. The right introduction from a trusted partner can change everything.

3 BIG Reasons to Join The Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network


Get and Give Referrals

Cutting-edge software platform designed to revolutionize the way you manage and grow your business.

24/7 Resources & Training

Comprehensive Training and 24/7 A.I. Bot available to members..

Active Ready Made Community

Enjoy the bonus of connecting with a supportive network of entrepreneurs.

Reignite Authentic Business Relationships


In the beginning was the referral, and it was good. Then came the dark days of hard selling, spam, and overwhelming social media messages. Humanity in business dissolved. We’re here to reignite the human connection, removing sales from the marketing process and building authentic, credible relationships.

Our Solution: We've built a process and software system to help you become relevant to 150 core people—your most trusted connections. These are the people who matter, and we help you reach them with ease.

How It Works: No networking events. Instead, you focus on pre-building everything you need to reach out on LinkedIn for just 10 minutes a day, three days a week. We write your messages for you—ready to go, tracked, and measured. Simply follow the process.

Building Trust: Through your trusted connections, introduce people to each other and request introductions. Grow your referral database and group of awesome connections in just a few months.

Your Network Blossoms: Imagine yourself as the center of a flower, surrounded by petals—your trusted connections. These people see you as trusted, authentic, and credible. They respect you and will either become your customers or bring you referrals.

Expanding Your Garden: Connect with other flowers—people who are also blossoming in their trusted networks. This collective bunch of flowers transforms into a garden of referrals and introductions, done authentically and genuinely.

Transform your business by reigniting genuine human connections. Join us and grow your garden of trusted referrals.

Why Join The Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network?


Innovative Matching

Connect with the right people effortlessly.

Comprehensive Tools

From personality tests to advanced searches, we provide everything you need.

Active Community

Engage with a dynamic group of entrepreneurs who share your drive for success.

Join us today and transform your entrepreneurial journey with the support of a thriving community.

Trustworthy Business Owners Meeting the “Right” People

Eliminate useless connections and bring only trusted business people into our private community. With 70% of your revenue stemming from credible individuals who personally trust you, you can forge a referral network with supportive people genuinely invested in your success.

A Supportive Business Community

Enjoy a space free from bots, spam, and adverts, where you receive warm referrals and introductions. Influential professionals often remain out of reach until a trusted connection introduces you. Our network helps you get in front of these people, requesting referrals to open doors to opportunities you wouldn't ordinarily have.

Why Should I Upgrade to PREMIUM?

Increase your chance of securing a meeting by 95%, by leveraging credibility from our entire global database of trusted connections, through pro-active referrals & introduction requests.


Match-Me Scoring on Video Calls Email Your Trusted Connections
Unlimited Match-Me Scoring Download Your Entire Database
Unlimited Introduction Requests Unlimited ChatGPT & Personality Tests
Automated Match-Me Scoring Button Edit Your Own Personal Profile
Community Activity History Unlimited Match-Me Resets
Advanced Search Coming Soon...

Premium Feature Explanations

1. See Who's on Your Video Call

Networking calls and one-to-one meetings are great, but laborious. Why not 5x their effectiveness by going straight to the person you want to meet?

When you hop on to a live video call... your Premium chrome extension will come alive, showing you all other users who are on that call with you.

It will score each person on that call and recommend who you should meet...

And get this! It will even scan their trusted connections, recommending you to people they know and trust.

2. Unlimited Match-Me

Match-Me automatically matches you to people you want to get in front of... so why limit yourself to just a couple?

With Premium, every single person you come into contact with will be given a score out of 10. The higher the score, the better suited they are to a meeting with you.

3. Unlimited Introduction Requests

It costs you $1500 to get 5 appointments per week using social media advertising (including fees). Depending on your audience, and if you use this extension correctly, it will cost you $8 per appointment.

Don't suffer the limitations of the free version, with premium you may request as many introductions as you like. With a 90% success rate, you'll get a meeting with that person.

4. Automated Match-Me Scoring Button

The Match-Me scoring button is on the search page.

In the background Match-Me scours your network for trusted matches. This saves you days of work because, while you're busy doing other things, it finds people you need to meet.

5. Community Activity History

Activity history is one of the most useful features of My Most Trusted... and on the free version, it's limited.

Watch, in real time, as each person in your trusted network builds their list. As they add new people, our AI will score them and, if they're a match for your business, at the click of a button you can request an introduction to meet them.

6. Advanced Search

A refined search by city and company is a powerful search! What's even more powerful, is the ability to search the entire global database! You can't do this on the free version.

Unlock the power of the Premium search and you will be able to scour the entire MMT universe, breaking out from the limit of your own 2nd degree connections.

7. Email Your Connections

Your LinkedIn and social media posts only reach 5% of your connections. Why not guarantee your messages reach 100%? With MMT Premium, you can email all your trusted connections and ensure every one of them gets it.

8. Download Your Database

As you grow your private network on My Most Trusted, you collect their email addresses and contact information. These belong to you!

With Premium, you can export all this data into a spreadsheet.

9. Unlimited ChatGPT & Personality Tests

The more research you do before a meeting, the better that meeting will be. With premium, you will get unlimited advice on how best to approach that person when you first meet them.

10. Edit Your Personal Profile

You'll no longer be stuck with the standard profile that the AI has generated on your behalf.

Upgrade to Premium and make your personal profile truly your own. You can also edit your personality summary if you're not quite happy with how it represents you to the network.

11. Unlimited Match-Me Resets

If you change your Match-Me criteria to a new target audience, this will re-set all your scores and re-run Match-Me.

12. Coming soon...

As new features launch, you'll get immediate access to them, included in your Premium package. These include:

  • Our Mobile App
  • Integration with CRM systems
  • API integration for techies
  • Removing watermarks, customizing your emails and other useful quick-templates

Our Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network offers two membership levels.

The Basic Membership is free and provides essential features such as Match-Me Scoring, introduction requests, personality tests, and community engagement. The Paid Premium Membership includes unlimited access to advanced features like automated scoring, advanced searches, direct email connections, and data export capabilities. Both plans aim to enhance your networking and business growth.

Version Comparison

Features Valued at US$10 pm  PREMIUM
1 Match-Me Scoring on Video Calls Limited to 5pm  Unlimited
2 Unlimited Match-Me Scoring Limited to 5pm  Unlimited
3 Unlimited Introduction Requests Limited to 5pm  Unlimited
4 Automated Match-Me Scoring
5 Community Activity History Limited
6 Advanced Search
7 Email Your Trusted Connections
8 Download Your Entire Database
9 Unlimited ChatGPT & Personality Tests Limited to 5pm  Unlimited
10 Edit Your Own Personal Profile
11 Unlimited Match-Me Resets Limited  Unlimited
12 Unlimited Trusted Connections
13 Unlimited Golden Recommendations
14 Unlimited Make Introductions
15 Referral History
16 Follow Up Button for Introductions
17 Access to Super Connectors List