"Hey, you there!"

... yes, you. The Entrepreneur reading this page. 

Did you know 70% of business revenue comes from people who know and trust you?

Let’s face it: you’re probably very busy.

You’re juggling a million things at once and don’t have a lot of time to focus on major projects. 

So, let's cut to the chase...

Without question, having a book to showcase your unique abilities is the single best way to market you and your business.

But that's not enough, there is much more to it...

"Before we continue, let me introduce myself..."

I am John North, a 9-time #1 Best Selling Author (Amazon, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal) with a rich background in accounting, banking, business management, finance, publishing, podcasting, personal development, IT, software, and strategic marketing.

I am the CEO and founder of Evolve Systems Group.

With over 35 years in business and online marketing, some of my highlights include:

☑️ Generated well over 25 million worth of sales for myself and my clients
☑️ Written 9 x #1 Best Selling business books
☑️ Published or been involved in over 3,500 books

Whew, glad we got that out of the way! 

Let's get back to the reason why you're reading this. 

You are still reading, right?

"I just also want to mention that this is time-critical information and a limited opportunity, so suggest you read on and take action today."

Great so...

In my journey at Evolve Systems Group, I've collaborated with countless entrepreneurs and authors, helping them navigate the often complex landscape of building a successful business.

Through this experience, we've identified a common thread among those who achieve the greatest success

I decided to call it the "A.C.T." Framework...

"A.C.T.  Stands for Authority, Credibility and Trust. 
When you "act" on all Three, That's when the real magic happens" 

It’s a comprehensive system designed to guide you in strategically positioning yourself and your business for maximum impact.

Authority is the foundation of this framework. It's about showcasing your expertise, sharing your knowledge, and becoming a go-to resource in your field.

By establishing authority, you command respect and recognition.

Credibility builds upon this foundation. It's earned through consistency, reliability, and integrity.

When your actions consistently reflect your values and promises, you become a credible figure in your audience's eyes.

Finally, Trust is the pinnacle of the A.C.T. framework.

Trust is what binds your audience to you, ensuring long-term loyalty and support. It’s the result of sustained authority and credibility, creating a deep connection with your clients and customers

" A recent breakthrough showed me I finally had all the tools needed to bring this framework to life."

The time needed to make it work for someone like you was nominal, easy and quick but effective.

"The Struggle is Real"

You’re an entrepreneur in a chaotic business landscape, trying to make your voice heard amidst the noise of AI and automation.

Standing out is hard, right?

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to do it alone.

I want to announce a new project called "The Evolvepreneur® Playbook Mastermind & Publishing Group", your new secret weapon for building trust, authority, and a killer business network.

All of this is at 30% of the real cost, but only if you join in July 2024.

"Enter the Evolvepreneur® Playbook Mastermind"

I designed the Evolvepreneur® Playbook Mastermind to tackle these challenges head-on.

Here’s how...

It is a collection of real-world tools combined to leverage our A.C.T. framework and generate more leads, sales and revenue than ever before. 

"What’s in it for You?"

  • Instant Credibility: Be featured in a #1 Best Selling Business Book on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Google Books.
  • Global Bestseller Status: We guarantee you’ll be a #1 International Bestseller in 2-3 countries.
  • Your Voice Heard: Craft a compelling 3500-word chapter and a 350-word BIO, with our professional proofreading.
  • Maximum Exposure: Receive a hardcover, 10 paperbacks, an ebook, and an interactive online version of the book.
  • Podcast Fame: Star in "The Evolvepreneur Playbook" podcast.
  • Hollywood Touch: Get your own IMDb listing.
  • Networking Opportunities: Join monthly calls with top-tier professionals. One idea could make you millions! (maybe?)
  • Exclusive Tools: Access "LinkedIn On Steriods" Software, Evolvepreneur Trusted Network Premium Membership, and one-on-one training.

"Build a Network of Trusted Advocates"

Imagine a business network where everyone genuinely wants you to succeed. No spam, no fake profiles, no annoying sales pitches. Just real, valuable connections.

"Influential Professionals Will Ignore You Until a Trusted Connection Introduces You"

It’s like trying to crash a VIP party without an invite.

Not gonna happen. But with our network, you get the golden ticket.

Meet people you could never connect with otherwise. Request referrals, make warm introductions, and watch doors open like magic.

"Leveraging LinkedIn: Trusted Connections and Steroids Software"

We’ve joined a mini, private LinkedIn called Evolvepreneur Trusted Network. Everyone is one handshake away from everyone else.  

  • Trusted Connections: Build and leverage a network of people who actually care about your success.
  • Your Own Virtual Assistant: Use our LinkedIn "On Steriods" tools to grow your network effortlessly. You’ll be networking while you sleep.
  • Advanced Features: Enjoy daily growth campaigns and unlimited match-me and introduction requests.

"Master Evolvepreneur Trusted Network + LinkedIn On Steroids"

We’re not just giving you tools and leaving you to figure it out.

We’ll help you master the Evolvepreneur Trusted Network and reach the highest level within three months.

Our expert team will quickly and smartly guide you through the setup and optimization of LinkedIn's "On Steriods" software.

Imagine having a fully yet personal LinkedIn presence that works for you 24/7, bringing in valuable connections and opportunities.

"Why Trust Matters"

Did you know 70% of business revenue comes from people who know and trust you?

You should I told you this at the start :)

Building a network of trusted connections is crucial. Our mastermind group helps you foster genuine relationships that will drive your business growth.

"Mixing Authority, Credibility, and Trust into a Powerful Package"

Here’s the secret sauce: we’re blending authority, credibility, and trust into one affordable, powerful package.

Imagine the impact of being featured in a best-selling book, having your own IMDb page, and starring in a podcast.

These elements together don’t just boost your profile—they catapult it into the stratosphere.

  • Authority: Being a published author in a best-selling book establishes you as a thought leader in your field.
  • Credibility: Achieving #1 International Best Seller status and an IMDb listing adds layers of credibility that few can match.
  • Trust: Our mastermind group and the Evolvepreneur Trusted Network ensure that you build meaningful, trustworthy connections that drive business growth.

"A Book is a Legacy and a Marketing Asset"

Being part of a non-fiction book is more than an accomplishment; it’s your legacy.

It captures your insights, experiences, and expertise, influencing others long after you’re gone.

It can open doors to speaking gigs, consulting, and media appearances.

The Evolvepreneur® Playbook

The Evolvepreneur® Playbook will be a comprehensive guide to entrepreneurial success.

It's a multi-author book featuring chapters from industry leaders and innovators, each sharing actionable insights and strategies that have propelled their businesses to the top.

By contributing your own chapter, you not only establish yourself as an authority but also gain exposure to a wide audience of entrepreneurs and potential clients.

The Playbook combines the power of published thought leadership with the credibility of being a #1 Best Seller, giving you the tools to build trust and influence in your market.

For more details on the book, CLICK HERE

"Launching "The Evolvepreneur Playbook" Podcast"

As part of our commitment to providing valuable content and amplifying the voices of our contributors, we are thrilled to announce the launch of "The Evolvepreneur Playbook" podcast. This podcast will coincide with the book launch and serve as an extension of the book’s mission to empower entrepreneurs with actionable insights and strategies.

"Short Bursts of Focus, Long-Term Gains"

Here’s the beauty of our program: it requires just a few short bursts of focused effort, and then you can mostly set it and forget it.

  • Podcast Interview: Spend a little time recording your podcast interview. Share your insights and stories.
  • Write Your Chapter: Use the content from your podcast interview to craft a compelling chapter. We’ll even help with professional proofreading.
  • Publish the Book: We handle the publishing. Your name will be in the spotlight as a #1 Best Seller, boosting your credibility and authority.
  • Setup LinkedIn On Steroids Software: Use our tools and training to set up your LinkedIn, and watch your network grow effortlessly.
  • Leverage Evolvepreneur Trusted Network : Tap into a network of trusted connections. Request referrals, make introductions, and build relationships.

"Even if You Think You Can't Write or Network"

Here’s the best part: you don’t need to be a writing wizard, a networking guru, or a tech expert. We’ll guide you every step of the way:

  • Can't Write? No problem. Our professional editors will polish your chapter until it shines.
  • Are you lousy at Networking? We've got you covered. Our Evolvepreneur Trusted Network will help you effortlessly connect with the right people.
  • Tech Skills Not Up to Par? Don’t worry. Our team will set up your LinkedIn software tools quickly and smartly so you can focus on what you do best.

"Limited-Time Offer for Early Birds"

We’re opening this exclusive offer to only 20 people, and the first round needs to be in place by 31st July 2024.

Next time, the price will likely double.

By joining now, you’re locking in a grandfather price for at least 12 months.

Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity!

"The Value is in The Fine Print"

Initially, I planned to offer this exclusive mastermind experience for $10,000.

Given the immense value and potential return, it seemed fair.

But then, I had a thought:

Why not make this more accessible?

Why not make it a no-brainer?

So, here’s what we’re offering:

Our package, valued at over US$10,000, includes:

  • Chapter & BIO in Multi-Author Book (Value $1695)
  • #1 Best Seller Status (Value $3000)
  • Podcast Interview & IMDb Listing (Value $500)
  • 6 Months Evolvepreneur Trusted Network Premium Membership (Value $432)
  • 6 Months "LinkedIn On Steriods" Software (Value $550)
  • Evolvepreneur Trusted Network One-On-One Training (Value $500)
  • LinkedIn "On Steroids" Setup and Training (Value $500)
  • 6 x Monthly Mastermind Calls (Value $3000)

"The total value of the A.C.T. framework, along with our exclusive resources and personalized support, comes to $10,177.

But today, we’re offering an incredible opportunity to save you $7,807! (Yes That's 76%)"

How is this possible?

We believe in the power of A.C.T. and are committed to making it accessible to entrepreneurs and authors who are ready to take their business to the next level.

That’s why we’re offering this transformative deal for just US$395 a month over 6 months.

For only US$395 a month, you’ll receive:

  1. Comprehensive Training Modules: Dive deep into the A.C.T. framework with step-by-step guidance, video tutorials, and actionable strategies to implement Authority, Credibility, and Trust in your business.

  2. Personalized Coaching: Gain access to one-on-one coaching sessions with our experts who will provide tailored advice and support, ensuring you maximize the impact of the A.C.T. framework.

  3. Exclusive Resources: Benefit from a suite of tools, templates, and checklists designed to streamline your efforts and accelerate your success.

  4. Mastermind: Join our community of like-minded entrepreneurs and authors, where you can share insights, ask questions, and receive ongoing encouragement.

This investment in your future is a fraction of the total value, giving you a comprehensive solution for a mere $395 a month over 6 months.

By the end of this period, you’ll have mastered the A.C.T. framework and positioned your business for lasting success.


"Your Next Step to Success"

[Apply Here] Membership is subject to my personal approval.

Apply Now!

If Approved:

Make Your First Payment: Make your initial payment to secure your spot and begin your journey with the A.C.T. framework.

Complete On-boarding:

  • Activate Your Tools: Gain immediate access to our comprehensive suite of resources designed to implement Authority, Credibility, and Trust in your business.
  • Attend Training: Participate in detailed training sessions that guide you step-by-step through the A.C.T. framework, ensuring you understand and can apply each element effectively.


  • Participate in Mastermind Calls: Join regular mastermind calls with fellow members to share insights, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance from our experts.
  • Leverage Our LinkedIn Software: Utilize advanced LinkedIn tools to expand your network, connect with potential clients, and build your authority online.

Take these steps to transform your business and experience the true power of the A.C.T. framework.

Apply today and unlock your potential!

Apply Now!

"Apply Today"

I invite you to join the Evolvepreneur® Playbook Mastermind today.

This is your chance to be part of an exclusive group of forward-thinking entrepreneurs, gain unparalleled exposure, and elevate your professional standing.

Cheers to your success,

John North
Evolvepreneur® Playbook Mastermind & Publishing Group